Patent No. 6,496,268, Dec. 17, 2002, Laser-Based
Glass Thickness Measurement System and Method,
A. D. W. McKie, M. B. Klein, B. Pouet, and F. J.
Shih, inventors (Technical
detail can be found in a 2001
QNDE paper).
Banerjee, S, Ricci, F., Shih, F. and Mal, A., Health
Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Ultrasonic
Guided Waves, in Ultrasonic
Methods for Material and Structure Inspection,
T. Kundu ed., ISTE Publishing, Jan 2007 (Amazon
lists Apr 2007), 43-88
Journal Articles
A. Mal, F. Ricci, S. Banerjee, F. Shih, 2005, “A
Conceptual Structural Health Monitoring System Based
on Wave Propagation and Modal Data,” Structural
Health Monitoring, 4, 283-293
Mal, F. J. Shih, W. H. Prosser, 2003, “Lamb
Waves from Impact Damage in Composite Plates,”
Instrumentation Measurement and Metrology, Special
Issue on Ultrasonic Methods for Material Characterization,
3, 11–37
Ogawa, S. Ozawa, J.-H. Shih, K. H. Ryu, C. Sukotjo,
J. M. Yang, I. Nishimura, 2000, “Biomechanical
Evaluation of Osseous Implants Having Different
Surface Topographies in Rats,” Journal
of Dental Research, 79, 1857-1863
Shih, A. K. Mal, M. Vemuri, 1998, “Plate
Wave Characterization of Stiffness Degradation in
Composites During Fatigue,” Research
in Nondestructive Evaluation, 10,
Wolfenstine, J.-H. Shih, 1994, “The
Creep Behavior and Dislocation Structure of KI-KBr,”
Journal of Materials Science, 29,
Shih, J.-Y. Wu, E. J. Lavernia, 1993, “The
Coarsening Behavior of Primary Si in Melt-Spun Al-22wt%
Si Alloy,” Scripta Metallurgia et
Materialia, 29, 31-36
Conference Proceedings* (since
K. Mal, F. J. Shih, F. Ricci, S. Banerjee, 2005,
“Impact Damage Detection in Composite Structures
Using Lamb Waves,” Proc. of SPIE, Nondestructive
Evaluation for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics,
5768-34, 295-303
J. Shih, S. Banerjee, A. K. Mal, 2004, “Impact
Damage Monitoring in Composite Plates,” Proc.
of the 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and RD&D Expo (IMECE), Anaheim,
CA, IMECE2004-61868
A. Mal, S. Banerjee, F. Ricci, F. Shih, 2003, “Damage
Detection in Structural Components from Vibration
and Wave Propagation Data,” Proc. of the
4th International Workshop in Structural Health
Monitoring, Fu-Kuo Chang ed., 675–685
Mal, F. Shih, S. Banerjee, 2003, “Acoustic
Emission Waveforms in Composite Laminates under
Low Velocity Impact,” Proc. of SPIE, NDE
for Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological
Systems, 5047, 1-12 (Best Paper Award)
(since 2003)
J. Shih, G. H. Bratzel+,
A. D. Enke+,
"Interlaminar Shear Strength of GLARE 5 Under
Different Temperature and Strain Rate Conditions,"
IMECE2007-43880, 2007 ASME IMECE, Seattle,
WA (Nov. 13, 2007)
J. Shih, G. H. Bratzel+,
A. D. Enke+,
C. Pang+,
"Test Method Improvement for Out-of-Plane Tensile
Strength in Composites," IMECE2007-42658, 2007
ASME IMECE, Seattle, WA (Nov. 12, 2007)
K. Mal, S. Banerjee, F. J. Shih, “Nondestructive
Characterization of Impact-Damaged Structural Composites,”
IMECE2004-60227, 2004 ASME IMECE, Anaheim,
CA, (Nov. 16, 2004)
J. Shih, S. Banerjee, A. K. Mal, “Impact Damage
Monitoring in Composite Plates,” IMECE2004-61868,
2004 ASME IMECE, Anaheim, CA, (Nov. 14,
Endeavors (since 2003)
Mason, F. Shih, J. Dragovich, 2007, “Real
Time Access to Experimental Data Using Tablet PC's,”
Proc of the 2007 Annual ASEE. Conference,
Paper AC2007-1240 (Best Paper Award)
J. Shih, R. E. Cornwell, “The
Teaching of Finite Element Analysis Course as an
Undergraduate Elective,” Poster Presentation
(1888), 2005 American Society of Engineering
Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition,
Portland, OR, (June 13, 2005)
Proceedings of ASME are fully reviewed,
SPIE, Rev. of Prog. in QNDE are only partially
** Only those presented personally
SU undergraduate student researchers
articles are linked to the respective journal publisher's
web sites, which hold the copyright and the exclusive
right to distribute the papers online. Some journal
publishers (such as Elsevier, AIP, ASM) allow authors
to post their own articles on personal websites,
but many do not. Contact me (fshih_ at_ seattleu_
dot_ edu) for reprints if you can't get them through
your own institution.