J.-H. Shih, J.-Y. Wu, E. J. Lavernia, 1993, “The Coarsening Behavior of Primary Si in Melt-Spun Al-22wt% Si Alloy,” Scripta Metallurgia et Materialia, 29, 31-36

The Coarsening Behavior of Primary Si in Melt-Spun Al-22wt% Si Alloy



Al-Si alloys are attractive materials due to their low thermal expansion coefficient and improved wear resistance. The improved properties are attributed to the high volume faction of the primary Si phase particulates. Under conventional solidification conditions, however, high Si addition usually lead to the formation of coarse brittle phase which adversely affects the mechanical property. Rapid solidification processes, such as melt spinning, substantially modify the morphology of the Si phase which lead to improved mechanical properties. However, the coarsening during subsequent thermal mechanical treatment remain of interest. In this paper, the coarsening behavior of Si in a hypereutectic Al-Si alloy produced by melt spinning is studied to determine the temperature and time dependency of the size and distribution of the primary Si phase. The cooling rate during rapid solidification, on the order of 105 K/s, was also evaluated using 1-D transient heat transfer analysis.

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