A. Mal, F. J. Shih, W. H. Prosser, 2003, “Lamb Waves from Impact Damage in Composite Plates,” Instrumentation Measurement and Metrology, Special Issue on Ultrasonic Methods for Material Characterization, 3, 11–37

Lamb Waves from Impact Damage in Composite Plates



This paper is concerned with the detection of low velocity impact and the associated internal damage in composite structural components using the Lamb waves generated by these events. Impact tests are carried out on graphite epoxy cross-ply composite plates using an instrumented impact testing system. The contact force and the surface motion caused by the impact load are recorded at several points on the plate surface away from the impact location and are analyzed based on theoretical simulations. Post-impact nondestructive, as well as destructive evaluations are also preformed to determine the internal damage caused by the impact load. Further research on the detection method can lead to the development of a viable impact monitoring system for composite aircraft and aerospace structures using distributed broadband sensors.

(Article in PDF, Bermes Science Publications)