Katie Oliveras, Ph. D.
Course Overview
The derivative of a function represents a rate of change, and an equation involving derivatives is called a differential equation. Many of the principles, or laws, underlying the behavior of the natural world can be modeled by differential equations. In this course, you will investigate and solve differential equations that provide useful models of important physical processes.

We will be using Elementary Differential Equations, 9th edition, by Boyce and DiPrima.

Calculator Policy
A graphing calculator, such as a TI-83 or TI-84, is useful for this course, but not required. Calculators that perform symbolic manipulation such as the TI-89 are not permitted for use during exams or quizzes.

Grading Policy
Overall Grades
Your final grade will be made up of:

Homework 25%
Mid-term Exams45%
Final Exam30%

The final grade assignments will be

A-, A, A+ 90% - 100%
B-, B, B+ 80% - 89%
C-, C, C+ 70% - 79%
D-, D, D+ 60% - 69%
F 59% and below

Mastery of the material in this course will require a lot of practice in the form of homework. There will be two types of assignments this quarter: (1) recommended problems from the text and (2) graded homework assignments (typically collected as WebWork Assignments).

Problems from the Text
On this website (under Course Schedule), you will find recommended problems from each section of the book. These problems will not be collected for a grade, nor will you be required to complete them. However, it is in your best interest to complete the assigned problems and ask questions on problems that you do not understand.

Collected Homework Assignments
There will be approximately 5 graded assignments. Four of the assignments will be WebWorks, and one assignment must be handwritten. The assignment due dates can be found on the course schedule.

To log into WebWorks, your inital username is your Seattle University username, and you password is your student ID number. Please change your password when you log in for the first time.

In Class Lab Assignments
Depending on the course schedule, there may be one or two graded lab assignments. These will count towards your HW average. They will be due at the beginning of the following class.


There will be two midterm exams and one final for this course. The dates for each exam can be found on the course schedule. The date for the final exam is given below:

Final Exam Wednesday, June 12, 2013 from 12:00pm - 1:50pm

You are expected to be present for every exam. If you are unable to attend an exam for any particular reason, please contact me as soon as you determine that there is a scheduling conflict.

Resources for Help

There are several resources for help outside of the classroom. If you need help, please visit me during office hours or send e-mail with your questions. If you are unable to make it to any of the office hours, feel free to email me and schedule a time to meet.

Learning Assistance Programs
The Seattle University Learning Center (Loyola 100, (206) 296 - 5740) provides programs cover a range of services that promote academic achievement including peer tutoring, and peer-facilitated study and language-conversation groups; learning consultations with professional staff; study strategy workshops; and web and print learning resources. They also provide services to help remove obstacles for those with special needs, such as learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and hearing and vision difficulties. If you feel that your success in this or any class at Seattle University could benefit from the services at the Learning Center, you are encouraged to contact them as soon as possible.

Disabilities Services
Disabilities Services promotes an inclusive campus environment and ensures access for students with disabilities to Seattle University activities by advising students concerning disability-related needs, determining eligibility for services, arranging academic adjustments and other accommodations, providing test administration and materials in alternative format, and consultation with faculty and staff.