Katie Oliveras, Ph. D.
Research Interests

My general research interest are in nonlinear wvaes, geophysical flows, free-surface gravity water waves, and computational techniques.

One of my on-going projects involves reconstructing the heigh of ocean waves using pressure measurements obtained from within the fluid. Collaborators on this project include Vishal Vasan (ICTS-Bangalore), Diane Henderson (Penn State), and Bernard Deconinck (University of Washington). Work on this project has been funding through the AMS-Simons Travel Grants, Seattle University Summer Faculty Fellowships, and the National Science Foundation.

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Undergraduate Research Opportunities

There are a variety of research opportunities available for students in the mathematical sciences. Summer Research Experiences for Undergraudates (REUs) are summer programs where students can conduct undergraduate research at various universities and centers across the US. Students also receive a stipend for their work!

During the academic year, there are many different opportunities to get involved in undergraduate research with faculty at SU. If you are interested in working with me, check out what previous students have worked on by navigating to my Undergraduate Research page. Also, check out information about requirements below for undergraduate research students.