Introduction to Finite Elements
Understand and apply finite element
methods to mechanical engineering problems.
Develop working knowledge on how to formulate
finite element solutions using direct stiffness
and weighted residual methods (including least-square,
collocation and Galerkin’s formulations)
to problems in structural mechanics and heat
transfer. Solve 1-D and 2-D FEM solution with
hand-calculation and MATLAB™. Practical
use of commercial finite element analysis software
COSMOS™ is also introduced. (fall) |

takes it: Junior/senior mechanical engineering
students interested in the topic, satisfies mechanical
engineering elective requirement. (elective).
MATH 233 Linear Algebra, MATH 234 Differential
Equation (used extensively).
objective: Student understand the mathematical
foundation of finite element analysis; doing hand-calculation
in 1-D; properly operate commercial FEA analysis package,
understand its limitation.
Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Theory,
Programming and Application, by Erik Thompson,
1st Edition (2004), ISBN: 0471267538
do not teach this course at the moment, so do not
purchase the book in advance (also, this book is
terse and the students hated it with a vangence).
Recommended self-study book for junior/seniors:
A First Course in Finite Element Method,
by Daryl L. Logan, 3rd Edition (2000), ISBN: 0-534-38517-6.
For better theoretical treatment for undergrad,
I like Introduction to the Finite Element Method
by Ottosen and Petersson, Prentice Hall; (1992);
ISBN: 0134738772. It is out of print, but you can
find it in bookseller websites or on Ebay.
Von Mises stress distribution on a variable
diameter 6061 aluminum cylinder with fixed support
on the far surface and a downward shear force on front
surface (with ALGOR™).