MEGR 492
Engineering Vibration

Description: Analysis of structural vibrations of mechanical systems. Modeling for lumped and distributed parameter systems. Topics include: single- and multi-degree of freedom systems, free and forced vibrations, periodic and non-periodic forcing functions, mass/stiffness matrices, and modal analysis. Continuous systems (string, rod, and beam vibrations). Design considerations and experimental testing methods. (winter, even years*)

Who takes it: Junior/senior mechanical engineering students interested in the topic, satisfies mechanical engineering elective requirement. (elective)

Pre-requisite: MEGR 230 Dynamics, MATH 233 Linear Algebra, MATH 234 Differential Equation

Course objective: Understand the fundamentals of vibration in mechanical systems.

Textbook: Mechanical Vibration, by S. N. Rao, 4th Edition (2004), ISBN: 0-13-
048987-5 (Amazon listed at $118.00)

Figure: Amplitude and phase angle vs. frequency plot in a forced harmonic vibration.

* check with the instructor