PhD: 2008, University of British Columbia
Postdoctoral Fellow: 2011, Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative
CV (updated October 2019)
As Sullivan Chair, I supervise SUM Corps - an outreach initiative within the Seattle University Department of Mathematics.
Through SUM Corps, dedicated SU Math and STEM students engage in mathematics instruction to students in the neighborhood schools. At present, SUM Corps operates at two locations: Bailey Gatzert Elementary School, and Middle College HS, located on SU campus. Both schools serve a diverse population of students.
At present I am studying applications and effects of academic service learning in mathematics courses.
My post for the AMS blog on Teaching and Learning Mathematics describes implementation of service-learning in a Pre-calculus class.
I look at issues of equity and social justice in mathematics education.
I am also interested in international perspectives on teaching and learning, interactive engagement, and effective teaching practices.
My mathematical interests include braid groups and networks.
I am designing, teaching, and researching a pilot course in Mathematical Communication.
It serves as a lab for Introduction to Mathematical Proof, and sets up a community-building environment for participating students.
In the past, I assisted Steve Klee with running grade 6 and 7 Math Circle at the University of Washington.
I participate as judge in the Annual Math Hour Olympiad at the University of Washington.
I think very seriously on incorporating elements of play into my classroom and teaching.