Professor of Mathematics
Current Mathematics Classes
Fall of 2018: MATH 1335-01 and MATH 1335-02
Educational Background
The Florida State University, Ph.D. in Mathematics (Minor: Statistics), 1996
The Florida State
University, M.S. in Mathematics, 1993
Harbin Institute of Technology in China, M.S. in Mathematics, 1987
Professional Experience
Seattle University, Professor, 09/2009-present
Seattle University, Associate Professor, 09/2004-08/2009
Seattle University, Assistant Professor, 1999-8/2004
Academic Service
Co-Editor in Chief of Journal of Inequalities and Applications
Associate editor of Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews of AMS
Recent Publications
Shusen Ding, Local and global norm comparison theorems for solutions to the Nonhomogeneous A-harmonic equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 335 (2007), 1274-1293.
Shusen Ding, Local and global estimates for solutions to the A-harmonic
equation and related operators, Proceedings
of the Conference on Differential &
Difference Equations and Applications, Hindawi
Publishing Corporation,
Shusen Ding, Yuming Xing and Gejun Bao, Ar(Ω)-weighted inequalities for A-harmonic tensors and related operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 322 (2006), 219-232.
Shusen Ding, Global estimates for the Jacobians of orientation preserving mappings, An International Journal: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 50 (2005), 707-718.
Shusen Ding and Bing Liu, Global integrability of the Jacobian of a composite mapping, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2006 (2006).
Shusen Ding, Two-weight Caccioppoli inequalities for solutions of nonhomogeneous A-harmonic equations on Riemannian manifolds, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), no. 8, 2367—2375.
-averaging domains and the quasihyperbo
-averaging domains, Archives
of Inequa
-averaging domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 283 (2003), no.
1, 85--99.
Agarwal and Shusen Ding, Advances in differential forms and the A-harmonic
equations, Math. Comput.
Modelling 37
(2003), no.
12-13, 1393--1426.
-weighted imbedding inequa
-weighted Poincare-type inequa
Ding and Donna Sylvester, Weak reverse Hőlder
Shusen Ding and Craig Nolder,
Weighted Poincare inequa
Shusen Ding, Weighted imbedding theorems in the space of
differential forms, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and applications, 262(2001), 435-445.
Gejun Bao and -averaging domains under some mappings, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and app
Shusen Ding, Estimates of weighted integrals for differential forms, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and applications, 256 (2001), 312-323.
Shusen Ding, Parametric weighted integral inequalities for
A-harmonic tensors, Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (Journal of Analysis and its Applications), 20(2001), 691-708.
-weighted Poincare-type inequa
-averaging domains, J.
of Inequal. & Appl., 6 (2001), 435-449.
Shusen Ding and Bing Liu, Generalized Poincare inequalities for solutions to the A-harmonic equation in certain domains, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and applications, 252 (2000), 538-548.
Gejun Bao, -averaging domains and geometric characterizations, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 21, 5 (2000),
613-622 (translation in Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 21, 4 (2000), 375-386
Shusen Ding, New weighted integral inequalities for differential forms in some domains, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 194, 1(2000), 43-56.
Shusen Ding, Weighted Caccioppoli-type estimates and weak reverse Holder inequality for A-harmonic tensors, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 127(1999).
Bing, Liu and -averaging domains and weighted reverse Hölder
Shusen Ding, Weighted Hardy-Littlewood inequality for A-harmonic tensors, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 125, 6(1997), 1727-1735.
Shusen Ding, Some examples of conjugate p-harmonic tensors, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and applications, 227, 1(1998), 251-270.
domains, Journal of Math. Analysis and
appl., 227, 1(1998), 200-215.
Shusen Ding and Hongzheng Xie, Norm comparison theorems for conjugate A-harmonic tensors, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 18A, 2 (1997), 205-212. translation in Chinese J. of Contemporary Mathematics, 18, 2 (1997), 151-159.
Shusen Ding and Yi Ling, Weighted norm inequalities for conjugate A-harmonic tensors, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 203 (1996), 278-288.
Shusen Ding, Yi Ling and Gejun Bao, Some properties of a class of analytic functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 195, 1(1995), 71-81.
Yi Ling and Shusen Ding, A class of analytic functions
defined by fractional derivation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications, 186, 2(1994), 504-513.
versions of the weighted Caccioppoli-type
inequalities for A-harmonic tensors”, Annual Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, New Orleans,
January, 2001
properties for solutions to the A-harmonic equation”, Annual Meetings of the American Mathematical Society,
Washington D.C., January, 2000.
integral inequalities for solutions to the conjugate A-harmonic equation”, Annual
Meetings of the American Mathematical
Society, San Antonio, January, 1999.
Caccioppoli-type estimate for solutions to the
A-harmonic equation”, Selected for presentation at Annual Meetings of the American Mathematical Society,
Baltimore, January, 1998.
method to find conjugate p-harmonic tensors”, Selected for presentation at
Annual Meetings of the American
Mathematical Society, San Diego, January, 1997.
norm inequalities for conjugate A-harmonic tensors, presented at Annual
Meetings of the American Mathematical
Society, Orlando, January, 1996.
conjugate A-harmonic tensors”, Annual Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, San Francisco, January, 1995.
Areas of Particular Teaching Interest
Analysis, Statistics, Topology, Differential Equations and Calculus.
Areas of Personal Interest
bridge and watching college football games.
Contact Information
Seattle University
Mathematics Department
900 Broadway
Seattle Washington, 98122-4340
(206) 296-5926 (phone)
This page last updated on October 6, 1999.