Sheila Oh
Teaching Professor
Director, Computer Science Fundamentals Certificate Program

Seattle University
Computer Science and Software Engineering
901 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122-1090

Office: SINE 302-07
Phone: (206) 296-2164

Hello, and welcome to my faculty page!

I've been a faculty member of Seattle University's Computer Science department since 2014 and direct the career change certificate program in computer science fundamentals at Seattle University, a part-time program that prepares students with no prior computer science background to enter the masters program in computer science. I also serve as the faculty advisor for the Women in Technology (ACM-W) club at Seattle University. Before moving into academia, I spent time as a technology consultant, software engineering manager, and director of operations.

I was a founding community leader of Seattle, which launched in June 2016, and led the organization of Hopperx1 Seattle in 2017 and 2019, locally organized conferences modeled after the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. I also co-founded the Women in Tech Consortium.

I perform with the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra and serve on the board of Seattle Rep. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, performing music and dance, and hiking the great PNW!

Recent News

May 2024 : Talk selected for participation at GHC 24
May 2023 : Promotion to Teaching Professor
March 2023 : Talk and panel selected for participation at WIT Regatta Seattle
December 2021 : Talk selected for participation at 2022 WISE Seattle Conference
December 2019 : Talk selected for participation at 2020 WISE Seattle Conference
May 2019 : College of Science & Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award
May 2018 : Talk selected for participation at GHC 19
March 2019 : Mentioned in article by Business Wire
February 2019 : Mentioned in article by Geekwire
February 2019 : Featured in podcast by Rise Seattle Podcast
June 2018 : Featured in article by Discover South Lake Union
May 2018 : College of Science & Engineering Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award
May 2018 : Panel selected for participation at GHC 18
April 2018 : Promotion to Associate Teaching Professor
January 2018 : Featured in article by The Muse

Current Courses (2022-23)

CPSC 1230: Programming & Data Types
CPSC 2430: Data Structures
CPSC 2600: Foundations of Computer Science
CPSC 4880: Software Engineering and Project Development II
CPSC 4890: Software Engineering and Project Development III
CPSC 5011: Object-Oriented Concepts
CPSC 5910: Programming for Educators

Office hours (Fall 2024)

Mon/Wed/Fri 12:45-1:45pm (or by appointment)

Past Courses

CPSC 1420: Programming & Problem Solving I
CPSC 1430: Programming & Problem Solving II
CPSC 3300: Fundamentals of Databases
CPSC 5001: Programming Boot Camp I
CPSC 5002: Programming Boot Camp II
CPSC 5003: Programming Boot Camp III *
CPSC 5005: Data Structures
CPSC 5010: Software Design & Engineering *
CPSC 5021: Database Systems
CPSC 5030: Fundamentals of Algorithms & Analysis *
CPSC 5031: Algorithms
CPSC 5051: Fundamentals of Software Engineering
OMSBA 5061: Programming I for Business
SEGR 5240: Software Architecture & Design II *

* course is no longer offered at SeattleU

Computer Science Department Service

Advisor, CS Fundamentals Certificate and MSCS Fall 2014 - present
Advisor, Women in Technology Club (ACM-W) Winter 2016 - present
Member, CS Department New Student Success (Remediation) Committee Fall 2023 - present
Member, CS Department Assessment Committee Fall 2017 - June 2022
Coordinator, Mentorship Program Spring 2017 - Spring 2021
Advisor, CS Department Website Changes Fall 2016 - Spring 2020
Co-Lead, CS Department Website Redesign Summer 2017 - Spring 2020
Supervisor, Boot Camp Tutoring Program Summer 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Member, CS Department Admin Search Committee Fall 2018
Member, CS Department Faculty Search Committee Spring 2018, 2019, Winter 2020
Member, CS Department Curriculum Committee Spring 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020

College of Science & Engineering (CSE) Service

Member, CSE Marketing Director Search Committee Winter 2020
Member, CSE Faculty Senate By-laws Committee Spring 2019 - present

Community Service

Volunteer, WiT Regatta Seattle December 2019 - August 2020
Organizer, Hopper x 1 Seattle May 2018 - March 2019
Organizer, Hopper x 1 Seattle June 2017 - Nov 2017
Community Leader, LevelUp Seattle February 2018 - present
Community Leader, Seattle January 2016 - November 2019
Board Member, Live Music Project March 2016

As a community leader of Seattle and the faculty advisor for Seattle University's Women in Technology (ACM-W) club, I have planned several events in support of Seattle women in technology.






Launch Party June 7, 2016 Google Launch party, talk Seattle
Inspiring Confidence with Elena Donio September 20, 2016 Concur Talk Seattle
GHC 16 Viewing Party October 21, 2016 Amazon Viewing party Seattle
Hidden Figures Viewing Party January 8, 2017 AMC Pacific Place 11 Viewing party Seattle
Distributed Deep Learning with Animashree Anandkumar February 13, 2017 Amazon Talk Seattle
Career Conversations March 22, 2017 Microsoft Panel Seattle
Highlighting Women in Tech April 27, 2017 Seattle University Panel SU Women in Tech club
An IoT Primer - Converting the Physical World to Digital Reality May 22, 2017 Amazon Talk Seattle
Women, Technology, and Voice June 28, 2017 GoDaddy Workshop, panel Seattle
Financial Planning for Women in Tech September 6, 2017 Microsoft Workshop Seattle
GHC 17 Viewing Party October 12, 2017 Amazon Viewing party Seattle
Hopper x 1 Seattle November 11, 2017 Microsoft Conference Seattle
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap January 26, 2018 Seattle University Screening, discussion SU Women in Tech club
WIT Regatta April 23-27, 2018 Various Locations Conference Seattle
LevelUp Seattle: Inaugural Community Get-together June 19, 2018 Qumulo Networking Event LevelUp Seattle
Women, Technology, and Voice October 24, 2018 Indeed Workshop Seattle
LevelUp Seattle: Networking Event November 7, 2018 GoDaddy Networking Event LevelUp Seattle
Hopper x 1 Seattle March 22-23, 2019 Amazon Conference Seattle
Seattle Vol 75 - PKN SEA vol. 75: The 50/50 Gender Equity Challenge May 29, 2019 Seattle University Conference Pecha Kucha Seattle
Seattle Women in Tech Regatta August 10-20, 2020 Virtual Conference WIT Regatta







Seattle June 7, 2016 Launch Party
(opening remarks) - the organization that hosts the Grace Hopper Celebration and annual conference - is coming to Seattle! For the last few months, a small local team has been working to define and launch Seattle.AnitaB for women in technology across the Puget Sound region. Our goal is to support and promote the incredible organizations that already exist in the area and to provide resources, such as leadership development and mentorship for women in all stages of their STEM journey, from early education to late career. Speaker article
Geekwire article
GHC 16 October 19-21, 2016 Becoming an ABI.Local Community Leader & Volunteer When it comes to the ABI community, one thing unites members all over - a passion for connecting, inspiring and guiding women in technology. Since 2015, thousands of women and male allies in technology have joined our community as members, volunteers and leaders. So why should you join up? We'll have leaders and moderators of our fast-growing ABI.Local communities talk with you more about where and how to get involved in this exciting initiative. Panelist
Seattle June 28, 2017 Women, Technology, and Voice Catharine Gately will lead a workshop focused on developing stronger communication skills. Catharine is an Executive Communications Leader, Speechwriter, and Founder of The Narrative Company, She serves as the Speaker Advisor for's Grace Hopper Celebration, and is a Fellow at the University of Washington Communication Leadership Graduate Program. Panelist
GHC 17 October 4-6, 2017 ABI.Local Communities Lightning Talks: Programming, Engagement and Connecting Each ABI.Local community showcases the local women in tech, tech community and economic strength. Their programming tackles the issues that women face in the industry but also the challenges many tech communities face locally. Hear from ABI.Local leaders about their programming that is specific to their community, how they are engaging the community and how they're impacting women's lives locally. Moderator
Seattle November 11, 2017 Hopper x 1 Seattle
(opening remarks)
Hopper x 1 Seattle 2017 started out as a one-day locally organized conference modeled after's Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing (GHC). This immersive event brings women technologists at all levels together, along with industry leading companies, academic and research, to build relationships, learn and advance their careers. Speaker Geekwire article
WIT Regatta Seattle April 23-27, 2018 Strategic Storytelling: Take your Message from the High Seas to Ship Shape Why should we say yes to the adventure of telling stories in business? Aren't facts and data simply enough? Well-told stories cut through the noise, build community, transport ideas, create understanding, and inspire action. But great storytelling is easier said than done. Learn how to navigate the art of the business narrative, how to get your key audiences on board, and how to craft a compelling message so you won't be lost at Storytelling Sea. Panelist
GHC 18 September 26-28, 2018 Effective networking: Build a Tech Women Community Across Organizations As women develop careers, a network of peers, mentors, and sponsors becomes increasingly important. These 5 passionate technical women will share how they created a larger, more powerful network across organizations. That network provides a greater opportunity to promote career development and retention of women in the tech industry. They hope to inspire others to break organizational boundaries to build a stronger tech women network wherever they are. Moderator
Seattle March 22-23, 2019 Hopper x 1 Seattle
(opening & closing remarks)
Hopperx1 Seattle 2019 was a 2-day locally organized conference modeled after's Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing (GHC). The conference included 92 speakers, 13 keysnotes and featured speakers, 31 sponsors, and over 150 volunteers, and 1500 attendees (selling out in less than 4 hours). Speaker Rise Seattle Podcast
Business Wire article
Geekwire article (1)
Geekwire article (2)
Pecha Kucha Seattle May 30, 2019 Seattle Vol 75 - PKN SEA vol. 75: The 50/50 Gender Equity Challenge - Real World Solutions for Real World Change
(opening remarks & introductions)
Can we imagine a workplace in which women are fully represented in all aspects of the technology production process from ideation, to product development to delivery? Can we imagine a technology workplace where women represent a full 50% of the workforce? We believe the answer is yes. To explore this vision and identify solutions, Pecha Kucha Seattle and Seattle University's College of Science and Engineering are proud to present PKN SEA vol. 75: The 50/50 Gender Equity Challenge - Real World Solutions for Real World Change. The event features outstanding women leaders from across our region leading change in the technology workplace today. Speaker
GHC 19 October 3, 2019 Local Community - How can's Volunteers Impact your Community? The purpose of this panel is to share lessons learned from's Community Volunteers. Leaders of our local community and special project leaders working on worldwide initiatives will discuss strategies on how to build a local community, share their local specific programming, and offer examples on how their work has a positive impact on womens' and girls' pursuits in technology. Panelist Seattle Channel
GHC 19 October 4, 2019 A Balancing Act: How to Define Your Priorities & Be Your Most Productive Self Are you consistently exhausted at the end of the week? Never have enough time to run errands or meet with friends? If so, you may be too busy. Or it's possible that you just haven't found the right balance.Join this tech meetup and learn how to reach your goals, prioritize your well-being, find balance both at home and work, and discover strategies to be your happiest and most productive self. Speaker
WISE 2020 Conference February 1, 2020 A Balancing Act: How to Define Your Priorities & Be Your Most Productive Self Are you consistently exhausted at the end of the week? Never have enough time to run errands or meet with friends? If so, you may be too busy. Or it's possible that you just haven't found the right balance.Join this tech meetup and learn how to reach your goals, prioritize your well-being, find balance both at home and work, and discover strategies to be your happiest and most productive self. Speaker
WISE 2022 Conference February 26, 2022 A Balancing Act: How to Define Your Priorities & Be Your Most Productive Self Are you consistently exhausted at the end of the week? Never have enough time to run errands or meet with friends? If so, you may be too busy. Or it's possible that you just haven't found the right balance.Join this tech meetup and learn how to reach your goals, prioritize your well-being, find balance both at home and work, and discover strategies to be your happiest and most productive self. Speaker
WIT Regatta Seattle April 27, 2023 Tech Belongs to Everybody: Tech Careers for Non-Engineers Does "I work in tech" oftentimes feel synonymous with "I'm a software engineer?" Are you tech-savvy but don't want to code all day? Or, do you want to code all day but don't have a computer science degree? We'll hear from a cross-section of professionals who have turned their passions for learning and problem-solving into the tech career of their dreams. Moderator
WIT Regatta Seattle April 27, 2023 An Introvert's Guide: Finding Your Voice and Getting Noticed Though nearly half of the American population identifies as an introvert, our society has an "extrovert ideal" that often excludes introverts from the conversation. This workshop will discuss why organizational change is necessary and provide practical tools that introverts can immediately implement to find their voice, be heard, and confidently share their introvert power. Speaker
WIT Regatta Seattle April 25, 2024 An Introvert's Guide: Finding Your Voice and Getting Noticed Though nearly half of the American population identifies as an introvert, our society has an "extrovert ideal" that often excludes introverts from the conversation. This workshop will discuss why organizational change is necessary and provide practical tools that introverts can immediately implement to find their voice, be heard, and confidently share their introvert power. Speaker
GHC 24 October 10, 2024 An Introvert's Guide: Finding Your Voice and Getting Noticed Though nearly half of the American population identifies as an introvert, our society has an "extrovert ideal" that often excludes introverts from the conversation. This workshop will discuss why organizational change is necessary and provide practical tools that introverts can immediately implement to find their voice, be heard, and confidently share their introvert power. Speaker

ABI launch Anita Borg Institute launches Seattle chapter, expanding support for women in tech Geekwire June 7, 2016
5 lessons from WIT InspiR&D: 5 Lessons From Women in Tech That You'll Use Your Entire Career The Muse January 22, 2018
The XX Factor The XX Factor: In the "MeToo era, what role do Seattle's tech companies play in the country's larger conversation on gender parity? Discover South LakeUnion Summer/Fall 2018
Rise Seattle Podcast Creating a More Diverse World in Technology Rise Seattle Podcast February 11, 2019
Rise Seattle Podcast Seattle conference draws inspiration from renowned Grace Hopper Celebration Geekwire February 13, 2019
Business Wire Hosts 2nd Hopperx1 Local Event in Seattle Business Wire March 20, 2019

Promotion to Teaching Professor Seattle University May 2023
Outstanding Teacher Award Seattle University - College of Science & Engineering May 2019
Top Leader & Top Community Award September 2018
Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award Seattle University - College of Science & Engineering May 2018
Promotion to Associate Teaching Professor Seattle University April 2018
Top Leader & Top Community Award October 2017

Last modified September 2024

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